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Camtasia (Media Editing Lab)

Camtasia 2

Camtasia 2 is installed on the 4 iMacs located on the right side of the room.

Complete the following 3 steps BEFORE recording your screen

Step 1: In Camtasia, go to the top menu bar and click “Camtasia”. Scroll down to “Preferences” and select it

Step 2: Click the “Canvas” button and change Canvas Dimensions to “Original Recording Dimensions”

Step 3: Go to “Recording” and ensure that the Screen Frame Rate is set to “Full-motion (30 fps)”  (change it if it isn’t)

Complete the following 3 steps when you are ready to export:

Step 1: Click “Share” in the top menu bar. Scroll down and select “Advanced Export”

Step 2: Click the dropdown next to “File Format” and select “Export to Main Concept (.mp4)”. Remember to name your export file and choose a file destination.

Step 3: Click the blue “Export” button

Camtsia (2019)

Camtasia (2019) is installed on the 4 iMacs located on the left side of the room

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